Page name: Aradon's Workplace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-11-04 20:07:56
Last author: Aradon Templar
Owner: Aradon Templar
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Cooperative worker placement game
A game in which players work together to utilize resources to produce a game (or some other collaborative product).

Game or player playing antagonist role provides deadlines which players must meet.
Various resource nodes, challenge is in optimizing their use rather than claiming what you want first.

Possible mechanic is to make resource nodes give one less resource when they change hands. Players will naturally want to move from node to node to acquire the resources they need, but this discourages that. To counterbalance and thereby avoid the penalty, players may acquire communication resources, which may be expended instead.

Method in place (cards, or nodes) which allow transference of resources from one player to another.

Staff meeting node, which uses the resource placement to instead provide some directional bonus (direction ability-cards, shifting of resources, alteration of deadlines).

Periodic investor review gives money based on progress/appearance, for purchasing new nodes/staff/assets. Concern that this leads to snowballing success or hard-to-catch-up failure. Balance should be that a good investor review requires long-term sacrifices to achieve.

Possible resources:
- Design
- Coding
- Polish
- Graphics & Sound
- Marketing
- Money
- Communication

Possible direction cards or projects:
- Custom tools: takes coding, grants communication each round
- Shifted resources: transfer some resources from one player to another
- Various 'free resources' options



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2008-07-12 [windowframe]: Needs moar flowers. :)

2008-07-13 [Aradon Templar]: Moar flowers indeed. I also added grass, which I think looks fairly decent. Once I can get a little more flowers in the foreground, I think I shall lighten the grass a tad, then go back to messing with cumulus clouds.

2008-07-13 [windowframe]: Yes, I was about to suggest lightening the grass. :P

2008-07-16 [Aradon Templar]: Yes, the clouds are exactly perfect, but I am disappointed with the green in the distant flowers, like the grass is too tall. I think I shall fix this, but if not, this is to be the final image. Critique while you can, if you care to :)

2008-07-16 [windowframe]: Hmm... There are still a few patches of mud around (there's one bottom left, for instance). The grass is a bit mono-tone - is ther anything you can do to change that? And the one other thing that looks unnatural is how exactly straight the horizon line is where the flowers end and the mountain begins. Is there any way you could have a bit of green going up the bottom of the mountain?

2008-07-16 [Aradon Templar]: Hmm. I cannot vary the grass color right now, unless I registered my TG2 :( The bits of brown are fine by me, since it's just dirt after all. As for the straight horizon, I could, but it looks terrible for some reason o.O

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